- Why does deep and cheap learning work so well?.
- Densely Connected Convolutional Networks.
- Stanford's Artificial Intelligence and Life in 2030.
- Visualizing and Understanding Convolutional Networks (2013).
- Machine Comprehension Using Match-LSTM and Answer Pointer.
- Deep Neural Networks for YouTube Recommendations.
- Decoupled Neural Interfaces Using Synthetic Gradients.
- Learning from Imbalanced Classes.
- Millennial Whoop with Deep Learning.
- The Hype-and Hope-of Artificial Intelligence.
- Infrastructure for Deep Learning.
- A Concise History of Neural Networks.
- Using Apache Spark to Analyze Large Neuroimaging Datasets.
- Create a Chatbot for Telegram in Python to Summarize Text.
- Machine Learning is Fun Part 5: Language Translation with Deep Learning and the Magic of Sequences.
- The rise of artificial intelligence in 6 charts.
- UC Berkeley launches Center for Human-Compatible Artificial Intelligence.
- UCS Artificial intelligence: Are we facing a future of robots running wild?.
- The ultimate promise of artificial intelligence lies in sorting cucumbers.
- Growing up in Generation AI.
- Google is teaming up with a London hospital to inject AI into cancer treatment.
- Nvidia partners with Baidu to build a self-driving car AI.
- Improving Inception and Image Classification in TensorFlow.
- Text summarization with TensorFlow.
- Segmenting and refining images with SharpMask.
- Detecting Music BPM using Neural Networks.
- Startups in Machine Learning & AI.
- Debugging machine learning.
- Deep Deterministic Policy Gradients in TensorFlow.
- Discover the current state of the art in objects classification..
- Adversarial Video Generation.
- Image super-resolution through deep learning.
- Amazon's Deep Scalable Sparse Tensor Network Engine (DSSTNE).
- PaddlePaddle, Open and Easy-to-Use Deep Learning Platform for Enterprise and Research.
- Image super-resolution through deep learning.
- PArallel Distributed Deep LEarning.