Hi Everyone!
I am sharing a compilation of some of VR & AR resources that I have been learning and reading from. If you enjoyed it, star and contribute to the awesome AR and VR github repo 😎!
Augmented Reality
AR Platforms
- ARKit Developer Portal (Apple): Apple’s developer portal for ARKit.
- ARCore Developer Portal (Google): Google’s developer portal for ARCore.
- AR Studio (Facebook): Facebook's tools.
- ViroAR for ARKit and ARCore.
Quintessential Readings
- Apple's Human Interface Guidelines.
- The State of Mobile AR: A Platform Overview.
- AR-First Mobile second.
- How is ARCore better than ARKit.
- Why is ARKit better than the alternatives.
- Using ARKit with Metal.
- Augmented Reality With ARKit for iOS.
- ARKit and CoreLocation.
- How to build an interactive AR app in 5 mins w/ React Native & Viro AR.
- Building an iPhone AR Museum App in iOS 11 with Apple’s ARKit Image Recognition.
- Building an AR Game wit ARKit.
- Add Snapchat-like AR Lenses to any app w/ Viro AR in React Native.
- Tutorial: Image Recognition - How to use markers to showcase a product in AR.
- Image/Marker Recognition for ARCore (Android).
- ARKit by Example.
- r/ARKitCreators.
- r/LearnARdev.
- WWDC 2017 Going Beyond 2D with SpriteKit.
- WWDC 2017 Introducing ARKit: Augmented Reality for iOS.
- Building Your First AR Experience.
- Google's AR Experiments.
- The Complete iOS 11 ARKit Developer Course.
- iOS Augmented Reality curs on ArKit.
- Augmented Reality Portal using ARKit.
- ARKit Unity & Xcode - Build 7 Augmented Reality apps.
- Mastering ARKit for iOS.
- Learn ARKit 2 for iOS 12 from Scratch.
- Udacity's 'Learn ARKit'.
- Made with ARKit.
- A Software Engineer’s Guide to Unity and AR/VR Development.
- Building AR/VR with Javascript and HTML.
- iOS Learning Material.
Code Samples
- SwiftShot: Creating a Game for Augmented Reality.
- Awesome ARKit.
- Creating an Immersive AR Experience with Audio.
- Using Vision in Real Time with ARKit.
- Viro code samples.
- ARKit Sampler.
Virtual Reality
Devices supporting three degrees of freedom:
Devices supporting six degrees of freedom:
Game Engines
- Unity: uses C# as its primary programming language.
- Unreal: uses C++ and a node-based language called Blueprints Visual Scripting.
- React 260.
- WebVR: open standard with a JavaScript API that makes it possible to experience VR in your browser.
- A-frame: framework for building virtual reality experiences with HTML.
- React VR: library developed by Facebook based on React and React Native.
- treejs.
- Design guidelines from Google.
- UX Guide for VR.
- The UX of VR.
- UI / UX design patterns in virtual reality.
- VR Design best practices.
Quintessential VR News & Blogs
VR Channels
VR Courses
- Udemy Introduction to VR with Unity.
- Udemy Google's VR Course.
- Udemy Google's VR Software Development.
- VR Dev School.
- Coursera's VR Specialization.
- Unity 3D tutorials.
- Cat Like Coding tutorial.
- Google's Unreal Tutorial.
- Google's VR SDK for iOS.
- Google's VR SDK for Android.
- Creating Virtual Reality (VR) Apps.