Black Hat Python: Building a UDP Scanner

When it comes to the reconnaissance of some target network, the start point is undoubtedly on host discovering. This task might come together with the ability to sniff and parse the packets flying through the network.

A few weeks ago, I talked about how to use Wireshark for packet sniffing ...

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Black Hat Python: The Paramiko Module

This is the second post based on my readings from Black Hat Python. Yesterday I talked about Python's socket module and today I'm talking about the paramiko module.

Paramiko is awesome!!! It uses my dear PyCrypto to give us access to the SSH2 protocol, and it has a ...

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Black Hat Python Networking: The Socket Module

Last week I got my copy of Black Hat Python, the new Justin Seitz's book. The compilation talks about network programming, web hacking, and Windows exploitation. All in Python!

In this first post, I discuss Python's socket module, which contains all the tools to write TCP/UDP clients ...

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On Redis & AES Encryption in the 9447's CTF

During this last weekend, the 9447 CTF took place. One of the misc problems was called NoSQL and had the following description, together with an attachment with three files:

Hey, I don't understand how SQL works, so I made my own NoSQL startup. And OpenSSL is bloody crap.

ip ...

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CSAW CTF 2014 - Cryptography 200 - Psifer School

This is the first crypto-problem, and it was supposed to be the easiest one. For this reason, I was expecting simple cryptographic algorithms, which turned out to be true.

The problem starts with the following text:

There's no heartbleed here. Why don't we use these ciphers?

nc 54 ...

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