The First Stripe CTF

Although I did not have the chance of playing in either of the three Stripe CTFs, I was quite enthralled when I took a look at the problems. I decided to solve them anyway, and I am writing this series of writeups.

This post is about the first Stripe CTF ...

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A List of Common Web Vulnerabilities

Although nomenclatures don't help much when you are facing a security problem, I am keeping this list for a systematic organization. It has regularly been updated.

In addition to this list, you can check some specific web exploration older posts: Exploiting the web in 20 lessons and D-Camp CTF ...

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Exploiting the Web in 20 Lessons (Natas)


Continuing my quest through the Wargames, today, I am going to talk about the 20 first levels of Natas, the web exploitation episode.

I divide the exploits into two parts. The first part contains the easy challenges that don't demand much art (and are a bit boring). The second ...

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