Python & Algorithms Just For You


Do you want to learn Python? Do you want to learn algorithms by solving the exercises from Cracking the Code Interview?

You got it! Check out an entire (free) book that I wrote for that!

Update: This book has been bought by Hanbit, to be published in Korean!

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Black Hat Python: Infinite possibilities with the Scapy Module

This is a review about one of my favorites libraries in Python: Scapy, which is a very powerful packet manipulation resource.

Scapy is able to forge and decode packets of several protocols, send and capture them, match requests and replies, and much more. It can be used to handle most ...

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Black Hat Python: Building a UDP Scanner

When it comes to the reconnaissance of some target network, the start point is undoubtedly on host discovering. This task might come together with the ability to sniff and parse the packets flying through the network.

A few weeks ago, I talked about how to use Wireshark for packet sniffing ...

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Black Hat Python: The Paramiko Module

This is the second post based on my readings from Black Hat Python. Yesterday I talked about Python's socket module and today I'm talking about the paramiko module.

Paramiko is awesome!!! It uses my dear PyCrypto to give us access to the SSH2 protocol, and it has a ...

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Black Hat Python Networking: The Socket Module

Last week I got my copy of Black Hat Python, the new Justin Seitz's book. The compilation talks about network programming, web hacking, and Windows exploitation. All in Python!

In this first post, I discuss Python's socket module, which contains all the tools to write TCP/UDP clients ...

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Lots of Astrophysics for You!


I wrote so much code during my Ph.D.! Some of them were protected or cannot be shared, but some are free (as in free beer).

If you like astrophysics, check out some of my IDL and Python work:

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On Redis & AES Encryption in the 9447's CTF

During this last weekend, the 9447 CTF took place. One of the misc problems was called NoSQL and had the following description, together with an attachment with three files:

Hey, I don't understand how SQL works, so I made my own NoSQL startup. And OpenSSL is bloody crap.

ip ...

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Deploying Suricata with Chef


Continuous delivery is a software development practice where code changes (in source control) are automatically:

  • built (run build and unit tests), known as continuous integration,
  • tested (deploy to test environments, run all the tests), known as continuous testing, and
  • prepared for a release (deploy to production environment), known as continuous ...
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The First Stripe CTF

Although I did not have the chance of playing in either of the three Stripe CTFs, I was quite enthralled when I took a look at the problems. I decided to solve them anyway, and I am writing this series of writeups.

This post is about the first Stripe CTF ...

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Fun with Genetic Algorithms


Natural selection is the world optimizing for survival on Earth. Every life form on Earth is a solution generated by evolution's algorithm, which evolves a population of individuals over generations, optimizing for survival. Below is a way to describe this algorithm:

  1. The algorithm begins by creating a random initial ...
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